Factors that Could Result in it being Impossible to Reach a Settlement in a Civil Lawsuit
Civil litigation attorneys such as Mr. Tarunjeet Gujral of the Gujral Law Professional Corporation in Mississauga, Ontario represent individuals who have become involved in a civil dispute. Whether you are the claimant or defendant, having a competent law team behind you will help ensure that you get the best outcome possible. In many cases, an out-of-court settlement can be the optimal result as it allows for a certainty of outcome without the time, expense, and publicity that comes with the case going to court. However, there are certain factors which make settling a civil lawsuit more difficult.

Why Would You Want To Settle?
When you reach a settlement in a civil lawsuit, certainty is provided to both plaintiff and defendant. If you are the defendant, a settlement can help you control costs, avoid a jury that may reach a large verdict, and avoid more defence costs. As a plaintiff, reaching a settlement means a fast resolution and knowing what will be received before an agreement is formally made. While a settlement is very common and has benefits for all involved, there are some factors that could make reaching a settlement difficult.
1. Lack of or weak evidence: A defendant is less likely to settle when it seems as though a case can be dismissed due to a lack of evidence or the presence of weak evidence. If a defendant believes it is possible to prevail in court, the defendant will likely want to pursue this option.
2. Irrational expectations: When the defendant or plaintiff of the civil case has an unreasonable idea of what the final solution should be, it could result in the parties having expectations that are too far apart to reach a settlement. This can be helped by both sides having lawyers who are able to properly explain what a reasonable expectation for their situation could be.
3. Unwilling to compromise: If either party involved in a civil lawsuit is confident about being right or is motivated by a feeling such as anger, it could result in a situation in which there is unwillingness to compromise (even if it may be in the person’s best interest to do so). Having a lawyer who can help you leave your emotions behind when dealing with a civil lawsuit will help ensure that the best decisions are made for the long-term.
Filing or facing a lawsuit is serious. While it can be handled without legal assistance, the system is technical and complicated. Mr. Gujral is here to help. Please schedule a consultation today by calling (647) 957-8077.
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